What’s the most important rule of a gunfight? Have a gun at hand when you need it. Regardless the caliber (big or small), a gun won’t do any good if it isn’t on you when you need it. The problem is, most people are lazy, complacent, or both.
Much of the talk about picking the perfect self-defense handgun revolves around hard statistics such as action, caliber, features, brand reputation, etc. However, what’s often omitted in the calculus is the human factor. People are lazy. They buy guns that reflect the current trends. Bravado, machismo, or women wanting to prove they can be ‘one of the boys,’ cause them to buy a firearm that’s a pain to carry or shoot. Other guns are simply inconvenient at times and get left behind.

We could publish a slew of articles about being disciplined, the importance of training, statistics, horror or success stories, but none of this will overcome human nature. I know, I’ve been as guilty as anyone. What I learned was one gun did not serve all my needs. At times I feel the need to carry to carry a full-size handgun. It has the capacity, hand-filling grip, sight picture… It truly is the best choice. After all, how many police officers or military personnel do you see with a micro compact on their hip?
At times, I’d look at a full-size 1911 or Glock and feel ashamed, but know I was not going to carry it. Perhaps it was a quick trip to the store or down the street to the mailbox, but complacency won out. My solution was options. While a full-size is still the best option in my opinion, I’ve opted for a pocket pistol for “those” times… It may not be the biggest caliber with the most power, capacity will be less, but I’ll have it on my person should the wolf start huffing and puffing.
If you’ve been considering an easy-to-carry pocket pistol, you’re in luck. We’ve done the research and compiled a list of seven of the best pocket pistols on the market.
Diamondback DB9 9mm

Diamondback Firearms has a reputation of having a gun for most any pursuit (AR-15s, AR-10s, 5.7x28mm large format, micro compacts) at a price we can all afford. The DB9 is now on its fourth generation. The micro compact carries 6+1 rounds of 9mm, and ranks as one of the smallest in its size category. The DB9 measures just 14.5 inches tall and 5.75 inches long. Not small enough? You can shrink it farther by using the included flush fit magazine.
The DB9 is a striker-fired DAO pistol that has a surprisingly good 5.5 trigger pull. The price tag rivals other manufacturers closeout prices, but that does not mean that it’s a cheap gun. I know, I own a few of them. The DB9 handles and shoots much better than you’d expect given the cost.
The Diamondback DB9 easily slips into the pocket of your blue jeans, purse, or jacket pocket for quick access in an emergency. If things get dicey in a hurry, your hand will already be on your gun.
Glock Model 42 .380 ACP

For the longest time, there was a conspicuous gap in Glock’s product lineup. It started with 9mm and worked its way up from there. Then, about a decade ago, Glock shot to the forefront of the .380 ACP market with the introduction of the G42. The Glock 42 is a single stack design that measures about 4 inches tall, 5.57 inches long, and a touch under 1-inch in width. (About, close to, just under… Glock is on the metric system.)
Packing 6+1 rounds of .380 ACP, the G42 does not tout the high capacity of Glock’s other subcompact offerings. The tradeoff offers a small footprint that is lightweight and easily concealed. However, you’ll have all the familiarity in grip angle, ergonomics, controls that made Gaston Glock famous. As they say, if you’ve shot one Glock, you’ve shot them all.
SIG Sauer P938 9mm

The SIG P938 is a pistol that is sure to please single-action fans and 1911 lovers alike — in a pocket-sized, micro-compact package. The SIG Sauer P938 SAS packs the power and performance of the 9mm cartridge, the control layout of a classic 1911, and some specialized refinements into a truly pocketable package. The P938 measures a tad less than four inches tall, six inches long, and barely over an inch wide.
The P938 packs 7+1 rounds of 9mm (+P rated), features a crisp, single-action trigger with a 1911-style ambi manual safety. SIG spared no effort with its radical dehorning process that results in an ultra-smooth, snag-free profile that’s ideal for concealed carry. For fast target acquisition, the P938 features SIG’s FT Bullseye a tritium fiber-optic site that is embedded below the surface of the slide.
With the FT Bullseye sight, target acquisition is fast, but it certainly designed for point shooting and close range work. SIG Sauer recommends trying to avoid shooting past 10 yards with it for best results. That said, with practice the sights are surprisingly quick and accurate to use.
The reduced range is not an issue in my opinion. All micro compacts are designed for short range use. However, the novel design eliminates a major snag hazard. As a bonus for those who carry the SIG P938 SAS regularly, it won’t tear up the lining of your pocket.
Seecamp LWS .32 ACP

A leader among micro-compact pistols is Seecamp’s six-shot .32 ACP LWS. Well ahead of its time, the LWS did not have any true competitors for ages. It was a unique offering on the pistol market, so much so that the Seecamp was simply referred to as a “‘Camp” and everyone readily understood. The Seecamp LWS is a true minimalist’s gun. Total weight would not tip a 14-ounce scale — fully loaded! The LWS tapes out at 3.25 inches tall and 4.25 inches long.
The scant size allows you to stash this pint-sized pocket pistol anywhere. It’s obvious what the Seecamp was designed for — a purpose built gun for pointblank self-defense. Don’t be surprised to learn that the Seecamp does not have any sights. However, it has a heavy double-action-only (DAO) trigger. The LWS also features a heal magazine release to help prevent accidentally dropping the magazine while handling the gun.
A quirk that’s unique to the Seecamp LWS (as far as I know) is the fact that they are only designed to feed hollow point ammunition. Typically, ball ammo won’t reliably feed in the LWS. In case you are wondering why, hollow points are normally shorter than equivalent ball ammunition. This allows the LWS to function with an extremely short stroke of the slide. It’s a feature that’s good for self-defense, but hurts the wallet when practicing. Don’t forget, dryfire is free…
NAA Guardian .32 ACP

The NAA Guardian in .32 ACP is seen as something of a play on the Seecamp. The all-steel Guardian is slightly less refined but has developed a dedicated following of its own. This is another semi-auto that is a genuine pocket pistol that is just shy of 3.5 inches tall and a little less than 4.5 inches long. The Guardian holds 6+1 rounds of .32 ACP.
The NAA Guardian has its own list of plusses and minuses. The trigger is double-action-only (DAO) and stacks as you pull it. That’s less than ideal for a pint-sized pistol that is already tough to handle. That’s the downside.
The good news, however, is that the Guardian can feed ball ammunition. Also different from the Seecamp, the Guardian has iron sights. Admittedly however, they are so small and difficult to see. As I stated earlier, guns of this size are not for distance. Deploying a pocket pistol, almost by definition, means rapid action. Likely, you would be wasting critical time trying to acquire a sight picture during a self-defense encounter.
Another difference between the Seecamp and Guardian would be the magazine release. While the ’Camp uses a release on the heel of the grip, the Guardian’s mag release is located behind the trigger on the side of the frame. Which is better? Who knows. It comes down to personal preference, I suppose. However, most pistols on the market today have the mag release on the side of the gun…
The Seecamp was the original and a great choice, but the NAA Guardian comes in at a lower price point, plus you can shoot ball ammo through it.
Beretta 21A Bobcat .22 LR

Colt has its ‘snake guns,’ and Beretta has its ‘cats.’ The smallest of Beretta’s cat series is the 21A Bobcat chambered in .22 LR. Beretta’s family of tip-up barrel pistols have a certain mystique about them. Taurus, Girsan, Le Francais, and others have tip-up barrel guns, but none hold our attention like the Beretta.
The Bobcat’s DA/SA design is capable of being carried cocked and locked for rapid deployment. The 21A tips the scales at 11.5 ounces unloaded. Packing seven rounds in the magazine, plus one in the tip-up barrel, the Bobcat has an outstanding record for safety.
It’s no secret that .22 LR semi-autos — especially tiny ones — have a reputation for failing to feed or eject. This can be due to the design of cheaper pistols often chambered in .22 LR or the rimfire ammunition as a whole. That being said, the Bobcat’s iconic slide design, which Beretta is infamous for, works to considerable advantage. In the end analysis, the Bobcat is viable (for a small caliber option). It is a surprisingly shootable option for a pocket pistol.
Ruger LCP Max .380 ACP

Although it is last on this list, the Ruger LCP Max is probably the leading choice when it comes to pocket pistols. The LCP has been riding in pockets for over 15 years. Sure, it has had its upgrades over the years. The culmination of those upgrades has led us to the LCP Max in .380.
The LCP Max leads the pack with 12+1 rounds of .380 ACP (extended mag) or 10+1 rounds (flush-fit magazine). Weighing in at just 10.5 ounces (unloaded) and measuring 4 inches high by a little over 5 inches long, this handgun is squarely in the “just right size” category. It does so much so well that it is nearly a default choice for shooters shopping for a pocket pistol. The LCP Max boasts a great trigger, proper slide and magazine releases, and great sights for a gun of its size.
With some practice, you can reach out to touch someone at more distance than many of the other offerings on this list. The LCP Max is not without its faults. The main complaint is the snappy recoil. There are tradeoffs to selecting a smaller, lighter platform.
Pocket pistols should have a place in any gun owner’s safe. Whether you choose to carry one as a backup to something bigger, or to beat the complacency demons that plague us all, any of the guns on this list will serve you well. The difference depends on the role your pocket-sized pistol will be employed for and your personal strengths/limitations. Stay safe…
What’s your take on pocket pistols? Do you have a favorite model or caliber for a pint-sized pistol? Share your answers in the Comment section.
Source link: https://blog.cheaperthandirt.com/pocket-pistols-the-magnificent-7/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pocket-pistols-the-magnificent-7 by Dave Dolbee at blog.cheaperthandirt.com